Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness
April 22, 2020
Long-term clinical outcomes in survivors of coronavirus outbreak after hospitalization or ICU admission: a systematic review and Meta-analysis of follow-up studies
Category: Article Summary
Topic: Clinical Characteristics and Health Care Setting
- Meta-analysis was conducted by Ahmed et al, to determine the long-term clinical problems in adult survivors of COVID-19, SARS and MERS after hospitalization or ICU, using pooled estimates of prevalence and severity for different outcomes and at different time points after follow-up admission. They report that the long term clinical problems in survivors of CoV infections after hospitalization or ICU admission were; respiratory dysfunction, reduced exercise capacity, psychological problems such as PTSD, depression and anxiety, and reduced quality of life. They warn that critical care, rehabilitation and mental health services to anticipate a high prevalence of these problems following COVID-19.
Ahmed et al. (Apr 21, 2020). Long-term clinical outcomes in survivors of coronavirus outbreak after hospitalization or ICU admission: a systematic review and Meta-analysis of follow-up studies. Pre-print downloaded Apr 22 from