Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

April 29, 2020

Real-time time-series modelling for prediction of COVID-19 spread and intervention assessment



  • Rashidi et al introduce a unified platform which integrates visualization capabilities with advanced statistical methods for predicting the virus spread in the short run, using real-time data. The platform is backed up by advanced time series models to capture any possible non-linearity in the data which is enhanced by the capability of measuring the expected impact of preventive interventions such as social distancing and lockdowns. 
  • It enables lay users, and experts, to examine the data and develop several customized models with different restriction such as models developed for specific time window of the data. 

Rashidi et al. (April 29, 2020).  Real-time time-series modelling for prediction of COVID-19 spread and intervention assessment. Pre-print downloaded April 29 from