Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

May 6, 2020

Knowledge and Behaviors toward COVID-19 among U.S. Residents during the Early Days of the Pandemic: Online Questionnaire



  • This online survey examined the association between knowledge of COVID-19 and participation in different behaviors in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the US. Those with higher knowledge of COVID-19 were less likely to purchasing more consumable goods, attending large gatherings, and using medical masks. Compared to Republicans, Democrats were less likely to attend large gatherings or use medical masks.  
  • A national, coordinated effort at pandemic response may produce better compliance with behavioral recommendations to address this public health emergency. 

Clements. (May 5, 2020). Knowledge and Behaviors toward COVID-19 among U.S. Residents during the Early Days of the Pandemic: Online Questionnaire. JMIR public health and surveillance