Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

May 14, 2020

A Novel Box for Aerosol and Droplet Guarding and Evacuation in Respiratory Infection (BADGER) A Potential Mitigating Strategy for the COVID-19 Pandemic and Future Outbreaks



  • Oberstar et al. report on the development of an affordable and scalable device that can contain droplets and aerosol particles for potentially use by healthcare providers treating COVID-19 patients. The BADGER (Box for Aerosol and Droplet Guarding and Evacuation in Respiratory Infection) creates a semi-sealed environment and has multiple hand-ports for healthcare providers to perform essential tasks on a patient’s airway and head. Quantitative aerosol testing shows >90% containment of sub-micrometer aerosolized particles.  

Oberstar et al. (May 13, 2020). A Novel Box for Aerosol and Droplet Guarding and Evacuation in Respiratory Infection (BADGER) A Potential Mitigating Strategy for the COVID-19 Pandemic and Future Outbreaks. Pre-print downloaded May 14 from