Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

May 14, 2020

Risk Factors for Viral RNA Shedding in COVID-19 Patients



  • Among 410 COVID-19 patients admitted to three hospitals in Wuhan, China, the authors estimate the median duration of viral RNA shedding (from symptom onset to rRT-PCR conversion) to be 19 days (IQR 16-23 days; range 3-44 days). Most patients (96%) tested negative for SARS- CoV-2 RNA within 30 days after symptom onset. The median duration from fever resolution to rRT-PCR conversion was 7 days (IQR 4-10), although 10% of patients achieved fever resolution after testing negative for viral RNA.  
  • Patients with coronary heart disease had a longer duration of viral RNA shedding (21 vs 19 days) and patients with albumin ≥35g/L had a shorter duration of shedding (18 vs 20 days). Patients who initiated antiviral therapy within 7 days of symptom onset had a shorter duration of viral RNA shedding (18 vs 21 days). 

Fu et al. (May 12, 2020). Risk Factors for Viral RNA Shedding in COVID-19 Patients. The European Respiratory Journal.