Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness
May 20, 2020
Measuring the Outreach Efforts of Public Health Authorities and the Public Response on Facebook during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Early 2020: A Cross-Country Comparison
Category: Article Summary
Topic: Public Health Policy and Practice
- Raamkumar et al. compared the outreach efforts of public health authorities (PHAs) in Singapore, United States, and England using Facebook posts. The authors classified posts into themes and compared mean posts per day, mean comments per day, and the positive to negative sentiment ratio between countries. Overall, the Singapore Ministry of Health covered more diverse themes, posted more frequently, and received comments with a more favorable sentiment than other PHAs.
Raamkumar et al. (May 13, 2020). Measuring the Outreach Efforts of Public Health Authorities and the Public Response on Facebook during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Early 2020: A Cross-Country Comparison. Journal of Medical Internet Research.