Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness
May 26, 2020
COVID-19 Confirmed Case Incidence Age Shift to Young Persons Age 0-19 and 20-39 Years Over Time Washington State March – April 2020
Category: Article Summary
Topic: Public Health Policy and Practice
- [pre-print, not peer reviewed] A longitudinal cohort study found that from March 1 to April 19, 2020, the age distribution of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Washington State shifted, with a 10% decline in cases 60 years or older and a 20% increase in cases 0-39 years old. After the peak (March 22), there was no decline among cases 0-19 years old, and the decline among ages 20-39 was less than older age groups. A targeted approach for awareness and safety measures is advisable as states and counties enter phased re-opening lead to an increase in non-essential work and social activities.
Malmgren et al. (May 23, 2020). COVID-19 Confirmed Case Incidence Age Shift to Young Persons Age 0-19 and 20-39 Years Over Time Washington State March – April 2020. Pre-print downloaded May 26 from