Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

May 29, 2020

Description of COVID-19 in HIV-Infected Individuals: A Single-Centre, Prospective Cohort



  • Vizcarra et al. compared the characteristics of 51 HIVinfected individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in Spain to 1,288 HIV-infected individuals not diagnosed with COVID-19 and found that age and CD4 cell count were similar between the groups, but that a greater proportion of persons with COVID-19 had at least one comorbidity (63% vs. 38%). The clinical and radiological presentation of COVID-19 was similar to that described in the general population.  

Vizcarra et al. (May 28, 2020). Description of COVID-19 in HIV-Infected Individuals: A Single-Centre, Prospective Cohort. The Lancet HIV.