Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

June 2, 2020

Profiling Serum Cytokines in COVID-19 Patients Reveals IL-6 and IL-10 Are Disease Severity Predictors



  • Han et al. found that levels of cytokines and C-reactive protein were higher in serum samples from COVID-19 patients (n=102) than control samples from healthy volunteers (n=45). Within COVID-19 patients, IL-6 and IL-10 levels were significantly higher in the critical group, indicating that higher levels of cytokine storm are associated with more severe disease development. 

Han et al. (May 31, 2020). Profiling Serum Cytokines in COVID-19 Patients Reveals IL-6 and IL-10 Are Disease Severity Predictors. Emerging Microbes & Infections.