Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

June 24, 2020

Clinical Predictors of Donor Antibody Titer and Correlation with Recipient Antibody Response in a COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Clinical Trial



  • [pre-print, not peer reviewed] Madariaga et al. investigated predictors of convalescent antibody production in 103 convalescent plasma donors with confirmed COVID-19 disease and found that age, fever, absence of myalgia, fatigue, AB blood type, and hospitalization were all associated with higher convalescent antibody titer to COVID-19. 
  • Most (8/10) convalescent plasma recipients had significant increases in antibody levels post-transfusion. Anti-receptor binding domain antibody titer increased on average 31% per day during the first three days post-transfusion (p=0.01) and anti-spike antibody titer increased by 40% (p =0.02). Eight recipients were discharged, one remained hospitalized, and one died. 

Madariaga et al. (June 23, 2020). Clinical Predictors of Donor Antibody Titer and Correlation with Recipient Antibody Response in a COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Clinical Trial. Pre-print downloaded June 24 from