Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

June 26, 2020

Contact Tracing Evaluation for COVID-19 Transmission during the Reopening Phase in a Rural College Town



  • [pre-print, not peer-reviewed] Moon and Scoglio built an individual-based contact network model and a compartmental transmission model for COVID-19. They coupled these models to assess the effectiveness of contact tracing for COVID-19 control under four different re-opening strategies ranging from 0% to 75% of contacts traced. They found tracing 20% of contacts is enough to reduce the epidemic size by half under all strategies, and that above a threshold, increasing effectiveness of contact tracing results in a smaller number of quarantined individuals due to a reduced number of confirmed cases.  

Moon and Scoglio. (June 26, 2020). Contact Tracing Evaluation for COVID-19 Transmission during the Reopening Phase in a Rural College Town. Pre-print downloaded June 26 from