Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

July 23, 2020

Historically Controlled Comparison of Glucocorticoids with or without Tocilizumab versus Supportive Care Only in Patients with COVID-19-Associated Cytokine Storm Syndrome: Results of the CHIC Study



  • Ramiro et al. evaluated clinical records of 86 patients with severe COVID-19-associated cytokine storm syndrome who received an intensive course of glucocorticoids. Compared to an untreated historical group of patients who received supportive care only (1:1 match on sex and age), treated patients had higher rate of reaching respiratory recovery (HR=1.8)were less likely to die (HR=0.35), and had a lower rate of invasive mechanical ventilation (HR=0.29). 

Ramiro et al. (July 20, 2020). Historically Controlled Comparison of Glucocorticoids with or without Tocilizumab versus Supportive Care Only in Patients with COVID-19-Associated Cytokine Storm Syndrome: Results of the CHIC Study. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.