Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness
July 27, 2020
Comparison of Viral Levels in Individuals with or without Symptoms at Time of COVID-19 Testing among 32480 Residents and Staff of Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities in Massachusetts
Category: Article Summary
Topic: Testing and Treatment
- [Pre-print, not peer reviewed] Based on PCR testing for SARS-CoV-2 among nursing home residents (n=16,966) and staff (n=15,514) with or without symptoms in Massachusetts (April 9 to June 9), 13% of residents and 4% of staff tested positive. Of those without symptoms, 13% of residents and 4% of staff tested positive, compared to 53% of residents and 18% of staff with symptoms. There was a statistical, though not meaningful, difference in viral loads between patients with and without symptoms (mean difference=0.71 cycles, p=0.006).
Lennon et al. (July 26, 2020). Comparison of Viral Levels in Individuals with or without Symptoms at Time of COVID-19 Testing among 32480 Residents and Staff of Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities in Massachusetts. Pre-print downloaded July 27 from