Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

July 31, 2020

Pooled RNA Sample Reverse Transcriptase Real Time PCR Assay for SARS CoV-2 Infection: A Reliable, Faster and Economical Method



  • Gupta et al. demonstrate that pool testing with 8 RNA samples analyzed with RT-qPCR can achieve a sensitivity of 95.4%, a specificity of 100% (280 samples tested40 positive and 240 negative). 
  • The authors conclude that the results of pool testing are not affected by the number of positive samples in a pool, suggesting the utility of pooled testing at various stages of the pandemic. 

Gupta et al. (July 30, 2020). Pooled RNA Sample Reverse Transcriptase Real Time PCR Assay for SARS CoV-2 Infection: A Reliable, Faster and Economical Method. PLOS ONE.