Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

August 3, 2020

Drug Treatments for Covid-19: Living Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis



  • network meta-analysis of 23 RCTs evaluating treatments for COVID-19 found that glucocorticoids were the only intervention with evidence for a reduction in mortality compared with standard care (risk difference 37 fewer per 1000 patients, 95%CI 11-63) and need for mechanical ventilation (31 fewer per 1000 patients, 95%CI 9-47). Three drugs might reduce symptom duration compared with standard care: hydroxychloroquine (mean difference -4.5 days), remdesivir (-2.6 days), and lopinavir-ritonavir (-1.2 days). Overall evidence of treatments for COVID-19 showed a low certainty of evidence due to lack of blinding and imprecision of estimates 

Siemieniuk et al. (July 30, 2020). Drug Treatments for Covid-19: Living Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis. BMJ.