Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

August 18, 2020

Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States



  • Across 12 states, the share of the COVID-19 hospitalizations (April 30 and June 24) of white patients was substantially smaller than the corresponding proportion of the state population. 
  • Asian patients were underrepresented among hospitalized patients in 6 of 10 states reporting hospitalization of Asian individualsBlack patients were overrepresented among the hospitalized patients in all 12 states, and Hispanic patients were overrepresented in 10 out of the 11 states reporting hospitalizations of Hispanic individuals. 

Karaca-Mandic et al. (Aug 17, 2020). Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States. JAMA Internal Medicine.