Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

August 24, 2020

Convalescent Plasma for Patients with Severe COVID-19 a Matched Cohort Study



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  • [pre-print, not peer-reviewed] Rogers et al. found no significant difference in the risk of in-hospital mortality among patients with severe COVID-19 who received convalescent plasma (n=64) and patients with severe COVID-19 (n=177) who did not receive it in an observational study.
  • Although there was no significant difference in the overall rate of hospital discharge, a subgroup analysis of patients 65-years old or greater who received convalescent plasma showed a significantly higher hospital discharge rate among these patients (RR 1.86). Two patients who received convalescent plasma had probable transfusion reactions with symptoms that resolved within several hours after stopping the infusions.

Rogers et al. (Aug 21, 2020). Convalescent Plasma for Patients with Severe COVID-19 a Matched Cohort Study. Pre-print downloaded August 21 from