October 16, 2020
How Confidence in Health Care Systems Affects Mobility and Compliance during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Category: Article Summary
Topic: Public Health Policy and Practice
Keywords (Tags): public health
Levels of public confidence in the health care system were related to differences in compliance behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic in a study of mobility measures across 38 European countries. Areas in which people had low levels of confidence in their health care system initially showed a faster response with respect to staying home. However, this response plateaued sooner, and declined more dramatically compared to areas in which people had high confidence in their health care system. The study also found that people living in regions with higher health care system confidence were more likely to reduce mobility once the government instituted a stay-at-home order, compared to those with lower health care system confidence. Regions in which people had high trust in the government but low confidence in the health care system largely reduced their mobility.
Chan et al. (Oct 15, 2020). How Confidence in Health Care Systems Affects Mobility and Compliance during the COVID-19 Pandemic. PLOS ONE. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0240644