Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

October 29, 2020

Inhaled Corticosteroids and COVID-19 Risk and Mortality: A Nationwide Cohort Study



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  • Use of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) among patients with COPD or asthma was not associated with a COVID-19 diagnosis in a nationwide study conducted in Korea. In a nested case control study among patients with COPD with 640 COVID-19 cases and 2560 matched controls without COVID-19, ICS use was not associated with COVID-19 (aOR=1.02, 95% CI, 0.46-2.25). A similar analysis among patients with asthma (90 COVID-19 cases matched with 360 controls) also did not detect an association between ICS use and COVID-19 diagnosis (aOR=0.38, 95% CI=0.13-1.17).

Choi et al. (Oct 23, 2020). Inhaled Corticosteroids and COVID-19 Risk and Mortality: A Nationwide Cohort Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine.