Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness
November 13, 2020
Association of Social Distancing and Masking with Risk of COVID-19
Category: Article Summary
Topic: Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions
Keywords (Tags): non-pharm interventions
- [Pre-print, not peer-reviewed] People living in communities with the greatest social distancing had a 31% lower risk of predicted COVID-19 compared to those living in communities with poor social distancing, according to a prospective study of 198,077 participants using the COVID Symptom Study smartphone app. In addition, among people living in communities with poor social distancing, self-reported mask wearing at least some of the time was associated with a 63% reduced risk of predicted COVID-19. Predicted COVID-19 rates were based upon a combination of demographic information and symptoms, which was used as a proxy for a positive SARS-CoV-2 test due to the small fraction of positive tests among app users.
Kwon et al. (Nov 13, 2020). Association of Social Distancing and Masking with Risk of COVID-19. MedRxiv.