December 21, 2020
Increased Care at Discharge from COVID-19: The Association between Pre-Admission Frailty and Increased Care Needs after Hospital Discharge; a Multicentre European Observational Cohort Study
Category: Article Summary
Topic: Clinical Characteristics and Health Care Setting
Keywords (Tags): clinical characteristics, sequelae
Among patients hospitalized with COVID-19, pre-admission frailty was strongly associated with the need for an increased level of care at discharge in a multicenter observational cohort study in Europe. Among 831 discharged patients (median age = 71 years, 44.4% women), the median length of hospital stay was 12 days, 23.2% had increased care needs at discharge.
Vilches-Moraga et al. (Dec 18, 2020). Increased Care at Discharge from COVID-19: The Association between Pre-Admission Frailty and Increased Care Needs after Hospital Discharge; a Multicentre European Observational Cohort Study. BMC Medicine.