Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

March 10, 2021

COVID-19-Associated School Closures and Related Efforts to Sustain Education and Subsidized Meal Programs United States February 18-June 30 2020



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  • [Pre-print, not peer-reviewed] A study using daily media searches to identify publicly announced COVID-19–related school closures lasting ≥1 day in the United States, and statewide school closure policies from state government websites, found that the vast majority of the 600 districts sampled in the study offered distance learning (91%) and continued provision of subsidized meal programs (79%) during closures. The first school closure occurred on February 27, 2020 in Washington State, and by March 30, 2020 all but one US public school district was closed. In total, around 100,000 public schools were closed for ≥8 weeks, affecting >50 million K-12 students.

Zviedrite et al. (Mar 9, 2021). COVID-19-Associated School Closures and Related Efforts to Sustain Education and Subsidized Meal Programs United States February 18-June 30 2020. Pre-print downloaded Mar 10 from