Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

March 11, 2021

Convalescent Plasma in Patients Admitted to Hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY) a Randomised Controlled Open-Label Platform Trial



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  • [Pre-print, not peer-reviewed] Convalescent plasma (CP) was not associated with improved 28-day survival compared to usual care (RR=1.00, 95% CI: 0.93-1.07) ] in a randomized controlled trial of hospitalized patients (RECOVERY TRIAL). The open-label platform trial (RECOVERY Trial) was conducted between May 2020 to January 2021 in the UK. The mortality risk was similar in all prespecified subgroups of patients, including patients without detectable SARS-CoV-2 antibodies at randomization. Additionally, CP had no significant effect on the proportion of patients discharged by day 28 (66% vs 67%), nor on the proportion of non-ventilated patients at baseline progressing to invasive mechanical ventilation or death (28% vs. 29%).

Horby et al. (Mar 10, 2021). Convalescent Plasma in Patients Admitted to Hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY) a Randomised Controlled Open-Label Platform Trial. Pre-print downloaded Mar 11 from