Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness
April 5, 2021
Factors Associated with Nonessential Workplace Attendance during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the UK in Early 2021 Evidence from Cross-Sectional Surveys
Category: Article Summary
Topic: Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions
Keywords (Tags): non-pharm interventions
- [Pre-print, not peer-reviewed] Among 1,422 people in the UK who reported they could work completely from home between January and February 2021, 26.8% of respondents reported attending their workplace at least once in the preceding week. Independent factors associated with non-essential workplace attendance included male gender (OR = 1.9), dependent children in the household (OR = 1.7), financial hardship (OR = 1.1), manual occupation (OR = 1.7), having been vaccinated (OR = 2.1), or working in sectors such as health or social care (OR = 4.2), education and childcare (OR = 2.5) or key public service (OR = 3.8)
Michie et al. (Apr 4, 2021). Factors Associated with Nonessential Workplace Attendance during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the UK in Early 2021 Evidence from Cross-Sectional Surveys. Pre-print downloaded April 5 from