Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

April 19, 2021

“Somebody Like Me”: Understanding COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Staff in Skilled Nursing Facilities



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  • Responses from focus groups of skilled nursing facility staff (n = 58) conducted between December 17-23, 2020 indicated that to improve their confidence in the vaccine, staff preferred to see local community members or someone like themselves receive the COVID-19, rather than public figures. Among staff who were hesitant to be vaccinated, reasons for hesitancy include beliefs that the vaccine was developed too quickly and without sufficient testing, personal fears about pre-existing medical conditions, and more general distrust of the government.

Harrison et al. (Mar 2021). “Somebody Like Me”: Understanding COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Staff in Skilled Nursing Facilities. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.