Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

December 23, 2020

Clinical Outcomes, Costs, and Cost-Effectiveness of Strategies for Adults Experiencing Sheltered Homelessness During the COVID-19 Pandemic



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In a modeling study that simulated adults living in shelters, daily symptom screening with PCR testing of individuals who had positive symptom screening and use of alternative care sites for COVID-19 management were associated with substantially reduced new cases and costs compared with other strategies. When community transmission surges, adding universal testing every two weeks was associated with a further reduction in cases without a high cost. The model excluded people who are experiencing homelessness as part of a family because of the additional complexities of modeling the dynamics within family shelters, as well as people experiencing unsheltered homelessness.

Baggett et al. (Dec 22, 2020). Clinical Outcomes, Costs, and Cost-Effectiveness of Strategies for Adults Experiencing Sheltered Homelessness During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAMA Network Open.