Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

February 22, 2021

Use of Convalescent Plasma in Patients with Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis



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[Pre-print, not peer-reviewed] A systematic review and meta-analysis of convalescent plasma (CP) treatment indicated that CP had no effect on mortality (RR = 1.02), and that evidence was insufficient to recommend the use of CP in the treatment of moderate or severe COVID-19. The analysis identified 10 randomized controlled trials involving 11,854 patients in which convalescent plasma was compared with standard of care or other treatments. The results of five RCTs did not show significant differences in the effect on mortality or the need for invasive mechanical ventilation.

Tortosa et al. (Feb 19, 2021). Use of Convalescent Plasma in Patients with Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Pre-print downloaded Feb 22 from