Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

February 24, 2021

Nonmetropolitan COVID‐19 Incidence and Mortality Rates Surpassed Metropolitan Rates within the First 24 Weeks of the Pandemic Declaration: United States, March 1–October 18, 2020



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The incidence and mortality trends of COVID-19 in rural counties increased and surpassed those in metropolitan areas beginning in early August 2020. Residents of nonmetropolitan counties accounted for 14% of the 8,085,214 confirmed COVID‐19 cases and 11% of the 217,510 deaths in the United States from March 1-October 18, 2020. The average daily COVID‐19 incidence rate over the entire study period was 9.8 cases per 100,000 persons and the average daily mortality rate was 0.19 deaths per 100,000 persons. The authors note that the disease burden had shifted from metropolitan to nonmetropolitan areas, and that future work should evaluate the impact of rural‐focused public health campaigns. 

Matthews et al. (Feb 22, 2021). Nonmetropolitan COVID‐19 Incidence and Mortality Rates Surpassed Metropolitan Rates within the First 24 Weeks of the Pandemic Declaration: United States, March 1–October 18, 2020. The Journal of Rural Health.