Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

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Topic: Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions

September 10, 2020

Early Evidence of Effectiveness of Digital Contact Tracing for SARS-CoV-2 in Switzerland

• [Pre-print, not peer reviewed] Preliminary data from SwissCovid, the first Exposure Notification-based contact tracing app launched on June 25, shows that voluntary digital contact tracing has asimilar effectiveness for identifying infected partners of COVID-19 index cases as classic contacttracing, provided that both the index case and the exposed contacts use the app. The authorsconclude that…

September 9, 2020

Decreasing High Risk Exposures for Healthcare-Workers through Universal Masking and Universal SARS-CoV-2 Testing upon Entry to a Tertiary Care Facility

Implementation of universal masking and universal SARS-CoV-2 testing at admission at an academic referral medical center in the Southeastern US dramatically decreased high risk exposures to SARS-CoV-2 (e.g. exposures without appropriate personal protective equipment) for healthcare workers. Universal masking decreased the per patient day rate of high risk exposures by 68% and universal testing further…

September 8, 2020

Prevalence and Predictors of Early COVID-19 Behavioral Intentions in the United States

People who expressed higher levels of self-efficacy, perceived severity of COVID-19 illness, and a belief that prevention measures would be effective were more like to plan to engage in eight behaviors designated as critical by the CDC for the prevention of COVID-19. The authors suggest that public health messaging should focus on the severity of…

September 4, 2020

Exploring Options for Reprocessing of N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators (N95-FFRs) amidst COVID-19 Pandemic a Systematic Review

[Pre-print, not peer reviewed] Twenty-one different types of decontamination or reprocessing methods for N95 masks have been evaluated, the most common of which is ultraviolet irradiation. Other techniques found by this systematic review include moist and dry heat and exposure to chemicals, such as ethylene oxide and hydrogen peroxide. Paul et al. (Sept 3, 2020)….

September 3, 2020

Timing of State and Territorial COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Orders and Changes in Population Movement — United States

Based on location data from mobile devices, mandatory stay-at-home orders issued by states or territories were associated with decreased median population movement compared to the period before orders were implemented. The period after the first state relaxed a stay-at-home order was associated with increased population movement even in states or territories that still had a…

Rapid Real-Time Tracking of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions and Their Association SARS-CoV-2 Positivity: The COVID-19 Pandemic Pulse Study

[Pre-print, not peer reviewed] Clipman et al. found strong dose-response relationships between frequency of movement (e.g. traveling for non-essential services) and self-reported SARS-CoV-2 positivity. Social distancing practices were associated with a lower likelihood of reporting a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Travel using public transport and visiting a place of worship were also associated with a…

September 2, 2020

What Protective Health Measures Are Americans Taking in Response to COVID-19? Results from the COVID Impact Survey

A survey of Americans in ten states and eight metropolitan areas (n=25,269) found that knowing someone who had COVID-19 and/or died from it was strongly associated with taking protective health measures like washing hands, avoiding public places, and canceling social engagements. Qeadan et al. (Aug 29, 2020). What Protective Health Measures Are Americans Taking in…

August 26, 2020

Strategies at Points of Entry to Reduce Importation Risk of COVID-19 Cases and Re-Open Travel

An assessment of the risk of exportation of active SARS-CoV-2 cases from 153 countries with confirmed COVID-19 cases across six importation risk reduction strategies revealed that testing and isolation of those who test positive is the most effective strategy as long as good testing practices are in place. If testing is not feasible, the authors…

Preventing and Mitigating SARS-CoV-2 Transmission — Four Overnight Camps, Maine

During the 2020 summer camp season, four overnight camps in Maine with 1,022 attendees from 41 states and international locations implemented a multilayered prevention and mitigation strategy that was successful in identifying and isolating three asymptomatic persons with SARS-CoV-2 infection and preventing secondary transmission. The four summer camps, which had similar sizes, session duration, and…

August 25, 2020

Time Course of a Second Outbreak of COVID-19 in Beijing, China

After 56 consecutive days of no local transmission events of COVID-19 in Beijing, a new case was diagnosed on June 11, triggering an outbreak alert. The first 2 confirmed cases were found to have epidemiologic links to a local market, which was shut down on June 12. Among the 368 people who tested positive and…

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