MEDIC Meeting 10/11

Thanks to everyone who came to our fist meeting last week! If you couldn’t make it, our second meeting will be tomorrow, Tuesday October 11th from 4-5:30PM in Health Sciences T531.

Cheyenne will be taking us through some cases related to pediatrics and the complicated issues involving the Health care providers, parents, and patients as stakeholders. Here are some links about the cases with relevant laws and background information you might want to check out before coming to the meeting: Jehovah’s witness: re-materials/ethics-cases

Relevant laws:

Motl Brody: Baby K:

We are all learning together and thinking about the ethical factors that go into clinical decisions and outcomes–none of us are experts and we encourage open discussion from all perspectives. Please feel free to bring a friend, and drop by anytime during our meeting to join in on the conversation. Snacks will be provided!

Please email us at if you have any questions or concerns and feel free to explore our website to learn more about our most awesome club, including how to become a member: If you are unfamiliar with the Health Sciences Building, we will have directional signs posted starting just inside from the sky-bridge to help you find our room.

Thank you and I look forward to our exciting discussion tomorrow! Cheers,


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