PNWU Pre-Med Open House

Hey everyone, I hope this email finds you all well and happily engaged in your year. I wanted to send out this little flyer to help you “Save the Date” for this year’s Open House for Pre-Med advisors, prospective medical students and matriculating students. We are right in the middle of finalizing the schedule of events, and coordinating with our current students who will be hosting this year’s community health fair and the PNWURunForYourLife5K run on our campus on the 14th as well. Please plan to bring your running shoes and jump in, as well as, visit all of the booths at this year’s community health fair. As we finalize the day’s schedule, I will get further information out to you.

I have included as many emails to pre-med club contacts as I have but I know I only have a few. So please pass this information on to your pre-med clubs. We only have room for a max 150 seats for this year’s event. So please let everyone on your campus know to email me back to register.

Have a great day!

Michael Riggin, Admissions Counselor Office of Enrollment Services 111 University Parkway, Suite 202 Yakima, WA 98901

Main: (509) 452.5100 Direct: (509) 249.7740 Fax: (509) 452.5101 Email:

Exceptional Education * Extraordinary Impact

Mission Statement Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences educates and trains health care professionals with osteopathic values and conducts research to provide quality care to communities of the Pacific Northwest, particularly rural and underserved populations.

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