Documentary “Bitter Cane” Feb 27 at 3:00, FREE

Monday, February 27, 3:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m., Health Sciences, Room K-069, FREE

In conjunction with a recent lecture by journalist, Kim Ives, the Global Health Resource Center’s World Health Cinema series is screening, “Bitter Cane” (75 minutes) a film Ives produced. This film focuses Haiti’s 20th century history including the United States’ occupation of Haiti (1915 to 1934) and Haitian regimes that allowed outside countries to exploit its workforce which created a dire economic situation that forced many Haitians to flee to the United States. Though made in 1983, this film is relevant today as it presents historical background and geopolitical influences that left Haiti so impoverished that it did not have the infrastructure to withstand the devastation wrought by the 7.0 magnitude earthquake in January 2010.

The screening will be followed by a discussion led by Casey Hastings, an MD/MPH student in the Department of Global Health in his last year of training. Casey has worked in Haiti on three occasions; twice on the Medicine wards of Albert Schweitzer Hospital in the Artibonite Valley and a third time completing an MPH Practicum on the quality of HIV care in Cap-Haïtien. He also speaks French and some Haitian Creole.

The easiest way to find the auditorium (Health Sciences, K-069) is from the Rotunda, or from the patio that lies at the south entrance to the Rotunda and I-Court.

Contact the Global Health Resource Center, 206-685-7362 or 1007d8&> with any questions.

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