End of the Quarter Meeting this THURSDAY from 5-6pm in Condon Hall 711B

Drop your books & join us at the

MAPS End of the Quarter Meeting

Thursday, February 29, 2012

5-6 pm in Condon Hall 711B

. — We will be recapping this quarter’s meeting with food, games, and prizes.

. — We will be taking officer nominations and philanthropy nominations for our talent show

. –We will also be revealing our meetings and events for next quarter, some of which are Relay for Life, medical School Tour, suturing, sports medicine panel, etc..

We will also announce our member of the quarter!!!

You don’t want to miss this meeting!


Minority Association of Pre-Health Students University of Washington Ethnic Cultural Center Condon Hall Room 711B Seattle, WA 98105 mapsuw@u.washington.edu http://students.washington.edu/mapsuw http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Minority-Association-of-Pre-Health-Students-UW/208566905883654

Meetings every Thursday from 5:00pm-6:00pm in Condon Hall Room 711B. Click here for a map: http://students.washington.edu/mapsuw/map.jpg

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