2012-2013 AMSA Officer Elections

Hey AMSA members,

Last Friday was the final day for AMSA Officer hopefuls to submit their applications. We had many great applications submitted last week and are confident that we will be able to fill all officer positions with hard-working, dedicated candidates.

Now comes your turn. AMSA members get to vote for their leaders next year. To vote, please click on the following URL to take you to the election survey: https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/sortad/160368.

Take some time and read the application responses from each of the prospective candidates for the different officer positions. Then,cast your vote for the candidate that you want to see in that officer position. Remember, you may vote for one candidate on for each position on the survey.

If you have any questions about the election survey or the election process, feel free to email me at sortad@gmail.com. Thanks and good luck to all of the candidates!

Dennis Sorta UW AMSA Pre-med Chapter Executive Vice President

_______________________________________________ Wamsa mailing list Wamsa@u.washington.edu http://mailman2.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/wamsa

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