MEDIC meeting 3/7


For our last gathering of the quarter, we will be meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, March 7th in the Health Sciences Building T474 from 4:00-5:30pm! Hunter will be leading us in discussion through a variety of cases. No need to prepare, just bring an open mind, and a friend, and snacks will be provided!

IMPORTANT: Mark your calendars- MEDIC meetings next quarter will be on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:30 in Health Sciences T474. Please note that the time and room will remain the same, but the day will be different. I hope the majority of you will be able to join us for our Spring quarter meetings that will begin Tuesday, March 27th.

Please respond to with any questions, comments or concerns and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Also, visit our website,, for more information about MEDIC and how you can get involved.

Good luck on all of your finals and we hope to see you tomorrow!!


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