Hall Health mindfulness meditation for beginners groups- spring quarter

Mindfulness Meditation for Beginners Do you struggle with repetitive, ruminative or self-critical thoughts? Are you undermined by an inability to concentrate or focus? Are you looking for a way to manage or cope with difficult emotions?

Mindfulness meditation is a practice that involves cultivating attention to the present moment in a nonjudgmental manner. Over time this practice creates an internal awareness that allows us to be with ourselves and others with a gentle, open attitude that is particularly helpful for disengaging from tendencies to criticize, ruminate, react or avoid. The benefits of mindfulness meditation have been widely studied and there is substantial empirical evidence suggesting that regular practice is effective for: . Alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety . Increasing capacity for attention and concentration . Improving self-esteem . Enhancing resilience to stress This 8-week course is designed to offer basic meditation skills to anyone interested in starting a practice. No prior knowledge or experience is required. Participants will be provided with materials, instruction and support for building and sustaining a meditation practice. There will be an at-home practice component that is essential for deriving maximum benefit.

Where: Mental Health Clinic at Hall Health Primary Care Center

When: Two sections starting 4/4/12: Thursdays 4:00-5:30 or Wednesdays 10:30 – 12 Cost: $47 per session (if mental health is included in your insurance benefits you may be able to get coverage)

If you would like to enroll, contact the Mental Health Clinic at (206) 543-5030. If you have questions about the course, e-mail or call group leaders Meghann Gerber, Psy.D.: (206) 221-7941; meghanng@uw.edu or Ryli Webster (206)616-5316

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