Hello MAPS Family! Hope everyone had a delightful Spring break and a good adjustment back into the swing of things for the first week.

This quarter will be focused on the third part of our motto this year Educate, Encourage, Explore. We’ll alternate meetings between application process prep as well as career speakers.

This week — Thursday 5pm:

ROOTS Youth Shelter Volunteering Opportunities w/ Kristine Cunningham Dr. Ron Chamberlain, Sports Psychologist w/ UW Husky Athletics to talk about Sports Medicine & Health on the Field

Located right in the Unvierstiy District, ROOTS delivers critical services to homeless young adults and other low income persons, advocates for policies that foster dignity and long-term solutions, and works toward building community partnerships.

If you haven’t found out, here’s the results from our officer elections! President: Jessica Sachara Vice President : Tyler Adamson Treasurer: Kristine Maramot Secretary: Emily Shavers Director of Communications: Nikita Nayudu Public Relations Chair: Brittany Hager Professional School Chair: Killia Shanklin Community Service Chair: Erwin Odongo Advocacy & Education Chair: James Chiang Health Network Chair: Soyeon Kim Diversity Chair: Roger Goosey CONGRATULATIONS!

Looking forward to seeing everyone at our first meeting. Spring Quarter brings in the best speakers, as well as the most helpful advice you get can from our talented resources. Don’t miss out!

Cheers, Hao Tong Public Relations


Minority Association of Pre-Health Students University of Washington Ethnic Cultural Center Condon Hall Room 711B Seattle, WA 98105!/pages/Minority-Association-of-Pre-Health-Students-UW/208566905883654

Meetings every Thursday from 5:00pm-6:00pm in Condon Hall Room 711B. Click here for a map:

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