oSTEM at the Undergraduate Research Symposium!

May 18th (this Friday!) 8-10am Kane Hall 225 Table 3 in tandem with the Undergraduate Research Symposium

Do you want scholarship money? Do you want money to travel to conferences? Do you want free food? Do you want the ability to network with people from Google and Amazon? Tour the Microsoft Redmond campus and/or Boeing offices?

If you answered yes to any of the above and identify as LGBTQ or an ally to LGBTQ people actively doing research or are in a STEM field, oSTEM, which is free, is for you. oSTEM stands for Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Finding no openly LGBTQ-positive STEM or research environment at the University of Washington seemed to make providing available resources to make queer people stop feeling unaccepted or different in these fields a priority. A primary way we do that is by sending people to queer-friend conferences, sponsoring academic work with scholarships, let students talk to queer professionals in the field, and holding bi-quarterly student work exhibitions/networking events with free food. Yes we have the funding for all of that

Our current station at the Undergraduate Research Symposium on May 18th is to see how much national funding we can get support our endeavors (which translates to scholarship and travel money which means come and support the organization on Friday), and more generally if we should implement something like this at the University of Washington. If you are interested and unable to attend on Friday or receiving this message after May 18th please email effortlesslyfloatingac@gmail.com or alolson@uw.edu with oSTEM somewhere in the subject line. Thanks

Yin Lu Google Talent and Outreach Programs, Co-founder Achieve!

Aaron L. Olson, MPA Educational Opportunity Program Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity

_______________________________________________ mgheast mailing list mgheast@u.washington.edu https://mailman1.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/mgheast

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