DBT Skills Group at Hall Health

DBT Skills Group (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy group). Mondays from 1:30-3:00 p.m. starting Monday, September 24, 2012. Ten weeks. Learn how to increase self-awareness, build relationship skills, manage crisis situations, and better control your emotions. Open to clients referred by their Hall Health Mental Health Clinic providers. Co-facilitated by Treg Isaacson, MA (221-7983) and Meghann Gergber, PsyD (221-7941).

Cost of all groups: $49/$64 per session ($40 No Show Fee without 24 hour notice). Insurance may cover fees, please check with your insurance carrier.

Where: Mental Health Clinic, Hall Health Center, 3rd Floor.

Register, get information, or ask questions at 206-543-5030, option #4 for any and all groups.

Go to http://depts.washington.edu/hhpccweb/content/clinics/mental-health/group-therapy-support-groups for more information about our groups.

Ricardo ______________________________ Ricardo Hidalgo, LMHC Mental Health Therapist Hall Health Mental Health Clinic Box 354410 Seattle, WA 98195-4410 Front Desk: 206-543-5030, option #4 Direct: 206-897-1992 Fax: 206-543-4716 rhidalgo@uw.edu

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