Volunteer Opportunity at American DiabetesAssociation Expo

Dear Pre-health Students,

Interested in supporting a good cause, mingling with health professionals and organizations, and checking up on your own health? Come volunteer at the American Diabetes Association Expo – a free event featuring health screenings and exhibits for around 6,000 attendees! (http://www.diabetes.org/in-my-community/expo/seattle-expo-2011/) The expo will be held on Saturday, April 30th at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center. (See attached forms for details on volunteer duties/shifts.)

Volunteer applications should be completed by April 15. Apply individually or encourage your friends/RSO to attend as a group.

Unite For Sight, UW Chapter participated in the expo in the past, so feel free to email ufsuw@uw.edu with any questions.

Hope to see you there!

Sincerely, Jessica Chin – – President, 2010-2011 Unite For Sight, UW Chapter

doc iconADA Expo – Group Volunteer Application.docx doc iconADA Expo – Individual Volunteer Application.docx

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