Undergraduate Global Heath Minor Information Session


We will be holding our next Global Health (GH) Minor information session on Monday, April 4th from 12:30 to 1pm in Mary Gates Hall, room 258.

Please join us to hear details about the Minor and have any of your questioned answered.

Best wishes, Todd & Jennifer, GH Minor Advising Team ghminor@uw.edu

Jennifer Lucero-Earle Assistant Director, Global Health Resource Center (GHRC) Department of Global Health, University of Washington Main Office: Mary Gates Hall, Room 274-A, Box 352800 Satellite Office: Harris Hydraulics, Room 315 Seattle, WA 98195 Phone: 206.685.7418 | Fax: 206.685.8034 Email: jearle@uw.edu | Skype: jearle_ghrc . To Coordinate . To Connect . To Catalyze

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