Global Health Corps Fellowship Opportunity for Students

The Global Health Corps application for the 2013-2014 fellow class is open from December 3rd to February 3rd, 2013, available at We are looking for intelligent, ambitious, emerging leaders with an interest in global health to apply.

We know that University of Washington is full of enthusiastic and talented individuals who are seeking non-profit and non-governmental organization jobs both domestically and internationally. We would appreciate that this e-mail, as well as the flier and informational attachments be passed on to any pertinent list serves or major departments.

The mission of Global Health Corps is to mobilize a global community of emerging leaders to build the movement for health equity. We offer yearlong fellowships with established non-profit or government agencies in Malawi, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia, and the United States. Applicants apply for specific jobs that match their interests and skills, from project management positions to monitoring and evaluation, engineering, communications, and beyond.

Global Health Corps is an amazing opportunity to get a year of field experience with an established non-profit or government agency. Fellows are provided housing, medical insurance, a living stipend, and transportation to and from the host country. 

GHC is looking for candidates from all different backgrounds and skill sets, no prior health experience necessary! The applicants must:

-be 30 years old or younger

-hold a university degree

-be proficient in English

The flier and informational document attached provide more information about Global Health Corps, our fellowship program, and partner organizations (Partners in Health, Clinton Health Access Initiative, Mifumi Project, etc). Please pass on this message and to find out more, visit our website If you have any other questions, feel free to contact Jennifer Gottesfeld, our U.S. Program Manager at 


Thank you!

The Global Health Corps Team 

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