cou: new course for undergraduates interested in health: Pharmacy 301, Medications and Health (fwd)

new course the School of Pharmacy is offering this Spring 2013 for undergraduates, Pharmacy 301: Medications and Health: It’s not all about drugs.  This course is designed to help students learn more about popular health-related topics and their own health.  It will provide an opportunity for them to learn from our professors, hear from practicing pharmacists, and meet some of our students.  The course will showcase faculty from the School and will cover a variety of topics including individual health as well as common myths, questions and perceptions about medications.  It will also address popular topics such as natural products, performance-enhancing drugs, biologics, and personalized medicine. Ultimately, we hope this class will inform, inspire and involve undergraduate students in their own health as well as interest them and answer their questions about careers in health care fields like pharmacy.  This 3 credit course, Pharmacy 301, will be offered Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 1130-12:20 pm in Bagley Hall, room 154.  We hope your students will find it of great interest! To assist you, I have attached a flyer about the course. default iconPharmacy 301 Flyerv2.docx

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