Center for Patient Partnerships’ online Certificate Program now accepting applications

We wanted to write again to let you know that our online, 12-credit personalized, service-learning based program is now accepting applications for our summer 2013 cohort. Do you know aspiring clinicians taking time off before pursuing medical school, a physician assistant program, or other health program? For May graduates looking for a meaningful experience with direct patient contact, the *Certificate Program in Consumer Health Advocacy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s interdisciplinary Center for Patient Partnerships* might offer just the experience to round out their resume. Students learn first-hand about patients’ and providers’ experiences in the health care system by advocating for patients with life-threatening illnesses. We appreciate your consideration and welcome inquires for more information. Sincerely, Sarah Davis Assoc. Director and Kathy O’Connell Dir. of Educational Development — The Center for Patient Partnerships University of Wisconsin-Madison 975 Bascom Mall – Suite 4311 Madison, WI 53706 P: (608)265-6267 F: (608)265-4332

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