Pre-Medical and Medical Guidelines While Aboad

If you are planning to go abroad on a health related program, the guidelines posted as a pdf link below is a MUST READ.

Pre-Medical Advisors:

You may recall a recent exchange on HLTHPROF  where I mentioned that  a set of guidelines was being developed by the AAMC Group on Students Affairs (GSA)  for Pre-Medical and Medical Students planning  to provide patient care abroad.

I’m happy to report that those Guidelines are final and have been posted to the AAMC website.  You will find them at the following location:

I would like to express appreciation to GSA-Committee on Admissions for taking up this effort ,and to our friends at ADEA,  and Mark Sunderland of Hendrix College, who developed earlier versions of similar guidelines.         Best regards,  Chuck

Chuck Hauck

President, NAAHP

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