Volunteer at Health Grad Fair co-sponsored by AED & The Career Center!

Whether you’re still looking for ways to fulfill your mandatory AED volunteer hours, or you just want to help out at a great event, join us on Tuesday May 10th for the Annual Health Grad Fair co-sponsored by AED & The Career Center. We need volunteers (various tasks such as sign-in, registration, exhibitor seating, photographer, etc.) and are currently assigning volunteer shifts from 11am-6pm so please sign up at the following link:


NOTE: Please SIGN UP USING YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. We will then email you to confirm your volunteer shift and duties!

Don’t know what the Health Grad Fair is? Visit http://careers.washington.edu/Students/Health-Fair

Thanks AED members!

This entry was posted in Graduate Program/Postbac Program, Prehealth Events, Premedical, Student Groups, Volunteer Opportunities/Service. Bookmark the permalink.