Cool Jobs Events Featured at Seattle Science Festival

I am sending you this information to ensure that your students are aware of three outstanding events featuring highly successful professionals in three fields where there are significant regional and national career opportunities: Computer Science, Biotechnology and Clean and Green technologies. These events are designed to provide students with opportunities for Q & A with these high-level professionals across numerous sectors – academia, industry, non-profit and research. They offer an unparalleled chance for your students to learn directly from the experts about educational pathways and career opportunities in these key fields. Please post these on your web site, calendar, or in your offices so your students are aware of these exciting upcoming events. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely, Maureen Takaoka Maureen Takaoka | PACIFIC SCIENCE CENTER Science Festival Event Manager | P (206) 269-2145 | F (206) 443-3631 | Pacific Science Center is an independent, not-for-profit educational institution that inspires lifelong interest in science, math and technology. pdf icon Science_Festival_Cool_Jobs_CleanGreen.pdf
pdf icon Science_Festival_Cool_Jobs_Biomed.pdf
pdf icon Cool-Jobs-Computer-Science-Flyer_FINAL.pdf

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