Information for Advisors: Bio200 pre-requisite quiz now available

Subject: Information for Advisors: Bio200 pre-requisite quiz now available Dear UW advisors, We’ve made an alternative pre-requisite path available for students wishing to take Bio200. This email is a quick description of that path and a link to the information needed to give to students. Thanks for spreading the word where applicable! The problem: Bio200 is a requirement for health science and biological fields. Changing course sequences and pre-requisites have caused a delay for many students that would have forced many to wait an extra term before enrolling. Previously, students needed to pass Bio180 with a 1.7 or higher and take Chemistry 152. Now, they need to do both of these things AND pass Chem 162. The solution: For those students that want to start Bio200 before or concurrently with Chem162, we have created a quiz to take the place of the Chem162 requirement. Students can demonstrate that they have the needed Chemistry knowledge that makes up a small part of Chem162 without taking the entire course. This quiz is free, open year-round and online. Students can take the quiz a maximum of two times and must pass with 16+ out of 20 questions. If students fail the quiz, they can retake it after a waiting period of 48 hours. During this time, they should use the readings, tutorial videos and practice questions posted with the quiz to study and prepare for their final attempt. When students pass the quiz, they will be given access to a further survey that will intake registration information. This will go to the Biology advisors who will register the students directly based on their indicated favorite lab choices for their desired term of Bio200. The quiz and associated study materials: Everything is located here. Please spread this to any students that might find it useful. If you happen to look through the website and see anything that is amiss, please let the coordinator know so he can fix it as rapidly as possible. Thanks for helping us to spread the word. We hope this will be useful to those students that don’t need this obstacle! Ben Biology Teaching Staff and Bio200 Coordinator

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