Flyer attached for BH 460 Reflections on Responsibility, Research and Society -Please Distribute

——– Original message ——– From: Julie Larsen <> Date: 08/08/2013 8:13 AM (GMT-08:00) To: Subject: [Advisers] FW: Flyer attached for BH 460 Reflections on Responsibility, Research and Society -Please Distribute Dear UW Advisors,   Bioethics and Humanities is offering a course geared toward training in Responsible Conduct of Research. This is a 3 credit course (B H 460) offered on T Th 2:30-3:50 pm, for undergrad students in Responsible Conduct of Research “Reflections on Responsibility, Research, and Society”. We’ve had good student feedback the past two years. So, please share this information with your students.  They may email if they have questions.”  Flyer attached for distribution.     Thank You! __________________________________ Bioethics & Humanities __________________________________    doc icon BH460FLYER_2013.docx

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