APPPLY NOW – Graduate Certificate in HIV and STIs

GRADUATE CERTIFICATE in HIV and STI’s- application deadline Friday November 1st Now accepting applications! Are you interested in a career in HIV & STIs? Would you like to participate in small seminar classes taught by leading HIV/STI experts together with a multidisciplinary group of students from Health Sciences, Nursing, Medicine, Global Health, Anthropology, Social Work and more? If so, please consider this Certificate. We are an interdisciplinary program in the Department of Global Health that provides students with the conceptual knowledge and practical skills needed to work in the field of HIV & STIs. In addition to completing 12 core and elective credits, students will complete a 3 credit capstone project. Certificate program staff will work with you to develop a unique capstone experience that is tailored to your interests. All current UW graduate matriculated graduate students are eligible to apply. For more information regarding the program and the application process go to: We are only accepting EMAIL applications. Please do not mail paper applications. Feel free to contact me for more information. Thank you, Katie Wakefield Graduate Adviser Department of Global Health University of Washington phone: 206.897.1804 [category GEN] default iconATT00002.c

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